Dream of rock

Dream of rock is what mean?Dream dream of rock?Dream of rocks have reality and the influence of the reaction, also the dream man's subjective imagination, please see the following from (The duke of zhou interprets's official website) small make up to help you organize the dream of the detailed solution of the rock.

Dream of rock

Rock is doubly symbolic imagery.Rock solid, which is not the obstacle of the path, and enter the new path of life.

Dream of rock, if the mood is stable, solid stable represents reality environment around you, as long as the steadfast enterprising, can get the chance of living.

Dreaming that I am surrounded by rocks that you may have encountered difficulties or urgent situation.

You dream of climbing wall, said concept of sex preference for adventure, like pursuing stimulation.And sometimes even casual acquaintance of the opposite sex, also dare to play ambiguous hot scenes, but the bottom line should be grasped.

Dream of standing on the huge rock, suggest you in recent trusted by others, suitable to participate in the election, probably was.

Dream of the huge rock blocks the way, is a decline in health.In dietary respect should pay attention to, to food poisoning, digestive system diseases such as indigestion, diarrhea, to be more careful.

Dream of the small stones into the distance that is likely to accidentally run into an acquaintance of the past.

Dream of climbing stone steps, low cost you emotionally progress may be a little difficult.Or to pursue now lovers feel some struggle, there is a danger of being dumped.

Dreamt of rocks in the air that there will be someone there to lecture for you, you want to defend his innocence, don't be silent, to resolutely.

The originalDuke of zhou interprets

Dream on rock stone, great luck.Dream of the officer on the promotion, the benefit.Noble riches and honour, and the rock of the Ann from the club."The dream Lin Xuan solution"

Dream peak rocks and steep.This dream seeks the disadvantage, blocking impassability of trillion also.All travel business, prevent the risk of land trails."The dream Lin Xuan solution"

Dream on the rock.This dream, chief to promotion, the benefit, has as secure as a huge rock.The broken dream secretary

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