Dream of colorful cloud

Dream of colorful cloud is what mean?Dream dream of colorful cloud, ok?Dream of colorful clouds have reality and the influence of the reaction, also the dream man's subjective imagination, please see the following from (The duke of zhou interprets's official website) small make up to help you organize the dream of colorful cloud the detailed solution.

Dream of colorful cloud

Dream of colorful clouds, is a very auspicious dreams, said you have a fairly long period, the work will be very smooth, if it is a businessman, so as long as the careful management, will have the chance to get rich.

Dream of psychology

Dream explanation: the cloud master, cloud can block the sun, the symbol of life.Dream cloud, means lives there will be a bad luck, need early prevention.

Psychoanalysis: dream clouds dispersed by the wind, the sky was clear and means that the disaster will soon be over, and a thing of the past.Dreamed that the clouds around the sun, is a good omen, means that the sun can dispel the clouds, in the help of the people, will soon be out of difficulties.Dream of the white clouds, yourself and neighbors will bumper harvest crops.Dreamed of clouds, residential area may appear infectious diseases.Dreamed of clouds, near may occurbleedingEvents, or the enemies.Dream of flying in the cloud, will become the leader of the residential area.Five colours of the cloud in the dream, is a symbol of happiness.Traders dream of clouds, indicate the business may fail, lose a sum of money.

Dream of colorful cloud case analysis

The dream description: one night, little dreaming that I am in heaven.Looked up and can see the floating clouds, lower the head, can see the green earth.In the dream, he reached out and touched with the hand cloud, the cloud is soft, feel very happy in my dream.

Dreams resolution: this is a "dream" vision, here should be a red signs;The dreamer is to look up into the clouds, here have a look, and turn up inner power.Cloud in the sky, on behalf of the fantasy and beautiful and unpredictable.Dream about in touch those clouds, represent the contact some good things.The dreamer in the heart also understand, however, a lot of good things in life, such as clouds, it is difficult to catch in his hand.Standing in the sky, said the mood relaxed and happy, also said high distance from reality.This dream basically means that the dreamer to relax, if the dreamer does have difficulties at present stage, and finally can also through;If the dreamer at present all goes well, then, will this auspicious signs of the dreamer, which has a far-reaching influence in the future a lot of dream about red signs in the vision of people, the development of life are very well.

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