Dream of the abyss

What is the meaning of dream of the abyss?Dream dream of the abyss?Dream of the abyss with reality and the influence of the reaction, also the dream man's subjective imagination, please see the following from (The duke of zhou interprets's official website) small make up to help you organize the dream of the abyss of the detailed solution.

Dream of the abyss

Dreaming that I am standing on the edge of the abyss, to herald a work life pressure will increase suddenly, to strengthen the psychological quality.

Dream of the abyss, which indicated there will be setbacks in themselves.

Dream of psychology

Dream explanation: if the dream of the deep, general said you subconscious family influence on the study of the past.

Psychology analysis: hope you understand do not understand the content of the former.Only when you have to contact my feelings right, you know in order to help you.

Spiritual symbol: on spiritual level, the dream of the deep content of the symbol of the unconscious or unable to explain.

Dream of the abyss of case analysis ()

The dream description: I don't know why, I've done a few times out of the abyss.This time, I had such a dream again.I dreamed that someone chase after me, I will rush in at the front.Gosh, stepped fall into an abyss, the results I woke up scared.(female, 26)

Dream parsing: falling into the deep, is the symbol of body and mind too nervous and tired.Dream ofBeing chasedOut and crashed into the deep, which indicates that at present your work or life pressure is too great.Recharge well, don't be too tired and tense.Dream somehow and fall abyss, is usually due to your poor sleeping position, oppressed heart cause caused by a lack of oxygen to blood supply.

Dream of the abyss

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