Dream of the term

Dream of what is the meaning of the term?Dream dream of the term?Dreamed that the term have reality and the influence of the reaction, and the dream man's subjective imagination, by (please see the followingThe duke of zhou interprets's official website) small make up to help you organize the dream of the term of the detailed solution.

Dream of the term

The term is a nature phenomenon of nature at the same time, the sun and rain most of the time, when having the term will appear the rainbow.In dreams, the term is often represent a state of the spirit of happiness and pain to coexist.

Dream of the term, portend even auspicious thing will clip with sorrow, meaning is the and lost his dream.(Duke of zhou interprets )

Dream of next term, says harbinger of affection dispute is going to happen between men and women, the affection between unmarried couples will have problem.

Married men and women dream of the term, portends a couple quarrel happens.

Duke of stock market

After the dream of the term, stock prices fell, but if the dream of the rain, the sky clouded over, may be said low price will fall more, and there will be a matter of the rumours and affect the share price.

Dream of the term

The duke of zhou interprets of query