Dream of the thunderstorm thunderstorm

Dream of the thunderstorm thunderstorm is what mean?Dream dream of thunderstorm thunderstorm?Dream of thunderstorm thunderstorm has reality and the influence of the reaction, also the dream man's subjective imagination, please see the following from (The duke of zhou interprets's official website) small make up to help you organize dreamed of thunderstorm thunderstorm detailed solution.

Dream of the thunderstorm thunderstorm

Thunder, dignified and scary, sometimes in a dream symbol with the voice of the father or other authority figure.

Dream of thunder, may be you in the near future as an activity or ideas, do you have against father view or authority will feel, or there is challenge to traditional concept, and panic, fear.You will suffer from a period of mental torture, although in fact you are not necessarily wrong.Dream fear of thunder is actually your unconscious of reality or the fear of not easy to change the authority of the idea.

Dream of thunder, said the face of it, at the moment your inner feeling a little fragile, and even some frustrated.May persist, you will get an unexpected success.

As the dream of thunder, indicate that you may suddenly blow to be ready to bear.

Dream the thunder is very loud and pointed, said to make you worry about the difficult trouble, can quickly settled satisfactorily.

Much cry and little wool in the dream, or thunder rumbling continuous, said you have fraud, not sincere friend to you.You may have felt side a friend cheat on you, but you are the reason I don't like to admit.Dream, to do this is to your subconscious mind to remind you, in your heart, not unfounded.

Dream of thunder heavy, remind you to be careful of the occurrence of heart disease, such as feeling chest discomfort, want to go to the hospital in time to see.

Dream of going out, a bolt of thunder and remind you if you want to get promoted under the now situation, the difficulty is very big.

marriedA womanDream of torrential rain thunder, said you have some worry about her husband, unavoidably will be more take care of her husband in the life.

Unmarried sister-in-law of torrential rain, thunder, suggest you some marriage might make you off guard, will you marry a man of high renown.

Traders dream of torrential rain, thunder, as indicated that you have become rich, there will be a big income.The patient to do such a dream that not far from the body rehabilitation.

Dreaming that I hide in a thunderstorm, remind you to pay attention to health, health problems may occur.Be careful if you are a player, the more attention to avoid sports injury or accident.

Dream of lightning trees, indicated that emotional opportunities.A rapid love is coming, let you refreshed or full of hope.

If in the dream, lightning trees fracture caused by burning, so the coming of love will be a whirlwind, full of passion, desire.

Dream because the thunderstorm caused power outages, be a sign of began to transit.Even if you had a lot of worry, worry, will also be unexpectedly quick fix.

Dream of the thunder constantly, edm, admiral said you love some twists and turns.You may quarrel for some small things constantly, but also will not lead to a broken completely.

Dream of lightning struck the house, you have been looking forward to, may be lost, let you disappointed.Still don't expect too much, let nature take its course is not excessive anxiety.

Duke of stock market

Dream of thunderstorm, from household appliances stock began to fall down, and then spread to the stock.

Dream of a thunderstorm, you are in the file shares would fall.However, because of the ground lightning make house burning dream, collapsed will rise again.

The originalDuke of zhou interprets

Dream of the thunderstorm, wine meat."Dunhuang dream book"

Dream of psychology

Hear thunder, dream explanation: a dream could mean warn you, pay attention to emotional outbreaks and looming crisis.You store a lot of energy, total want to look for a valve.If you hear thunder coming from a far country, says there is enough time, inspect the plight of his.

Psychology analysis: thunder has been understood as the power and energy.Thunder and lightning interweave together, symbol of the spirit.It said on the one hand the sorrow and pain.On the other hand and symbol of the purification and clarification.

Spiritual symbol: from the spiritual point of view, the anger and the bitterness of rolling thunder, said the fairy.

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