Dream of thunder storm

What is the meaning of dream of thunder storm?Dream dream of thunder storm?Dream of lightning storms have reality and the influence of the reaction, also the dream man's subjective imagination, please see the following from (The duke of zhou interprets's official website) small make up to help you organize the dream of lightning storm the detailed solution.

Dream of thunder storm

Dream a thunder, wind was blowing, explain his recent luck is not very good, but if cautious at ordinary times, do not get rich quick, not make public, broad heart, be generous, can avoid the unfortunate things happen.If the dream is a very prominent position, and flood dragon, or a dream that is very lucky.

Dream of when the thunder clapped appear constantly, frightening, it shows that your luck will have twists and turns, love together.we will have a quarrel.

Dream of heavy rain, thunder roared, indicate the dreamer body will recover soon.

Dream of the thunderstorm, indicate the dreamer career will succeed.

Married women dream of torrential rain thunder, suggests that the dreamer is more her own husband.

Unmarried women dream of heavy rain, thunder roared, suggests that the dreamer will marry a man of high renown.

Traders dream of write, suggesting that the dreamer will make a fortune.

The originalDuke of zhou interprets

Dream lightning storm.This surprising dream can be dangerous, repairable, can be saved can be moved, can endure can check, caution funghi.Noble, or see dragons again, Lord."The dream Lin Xuan solution"

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