Dream of mine

What is the meaning of dream of mine?Dream dream of mine, ok?Dream of mine have reality and the influence of the reaction, and the dream man's subjective imagination, by (please see the followingThe duke of zhou interprets's official website) small make up to help you organize detailed solution of the dream of mine.

Dream of mine

A dream of mine, represents the wealth and achievement.

Dream of mine, showed his bear hardships and stand hard work, self-sufficient.

Dreaming that I am working in the mines, which indicated through their own efforts to gain a lot of wealth.

Dreams see mine work, means that hard work will get good returns.

Dream of from mining work, showed his labor has achieved fruitful results.

Dream of mine accident, suggesting that encountered unexpected disaster, remain vigilant in the near future.

Dream of psychology

Symbol explanation: dream a dream to see mine, mining the resources of the subconscious.You can use for the applied potential.Dream scene may also be your workplace.

Psychological analysis: a dream to see mine, could mean the unknown parts of the subconscious, therefore symbolizes the character of undesirable components are fed into the underground world.Dream of such a subterranean world often causes is very terror and fear.

Spiritual symbol: from the perspective of spiritual learning, mine marked the research can be the gateway to the subconscious.

Dream of mine case analysis ()

The dream description: I grew up in mine, live in a city is the famous north mining area.After graduating from college, in the coastal city of work.But this dream, I dreamed that he returned to the mine, work in the automation control of workshop.(male, 30 years old)

Resolution: dream the dream of mine, represents the wealth and achievement.Dream of mine, it shows that you are a hardworking people, a dream of mine can only be seen dream.Dreaming that I am working in the mines, predictor for you will be through their own efforts to gain a lot of wealth.

Dream of mine

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