Dream of torrent

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Dream of torrent

Dream think they are being washed away by torrential, indicated that because of negligence liability, indulge in pleasure life full of temptation, your losses will be very shocking.

Dream of pentium said the torrent of life there are difficult to reconcile the contradiction, or feel been conquered by a certain strength.

Dream of downstream along the water, said everything will be good.For Mr Right, can expand the love letter, is a great hope of success.

Dream of inverse flowswimming, said a friend relationship will deteriorate.An incompatible students at ordinary times, may be the sinister trick for you, be careful not to fell into trap.

Dream of the waterFlow continuously toTo get married.

Dream of the water very clear is very big, well, do things with ease.

Dream of river water rise, geely, the business is thriving.

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