Dream of fossil

Dream of fossil is what mean?Dream dream of fossil?Dream of fossils have reality and the influence of the reaction, also the dream man's subjective imagination, please see the following from (The duke of zhou interprets's official website) small make up to help you organize dreamed of fossil detailed solution.

Dream of fossil

Fossils are the body of the organisms living in the distant past or relics into stone.In the long geological time, once lived countless creatures on earth, the creature's body or life after death left traces, many are buried by sediment at that time.In subsequent years, the decomposition of organic matter in these biological body is exhausted, the hard part, such as shell, bone, branches and leaves with surrounded in the surrounding sediment after petrochemical turned to stone, but their original form, the structure (and even some subtle internal structure) will still be in place.Also, the creature life traces of it can be preserved.We put these in the form of biological body, sites are called fossils.Fossil record you can see the appearance of ancient animals, plants, which can deduce ancient animal and plant life and living environment, buried fossil formation can be inferred form the s and the change of experience, can see the biology of historical changes, and so on.

Dream of fossils, on the other hand, may indicate you will get clues from the materials, people and things;Fossil, on the other hand, may also symbol old concepts in rigid, backward people around you.

Dream of amber, indicated that will make a fortune, good luck;Accidentally remedied or existing loss.

Dreamed of amber, health and economic will have unexpected harvest.

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