The dream of rainbow

The dream of rainbow is what mean?Dream dream of rainbow?Dream of rainbow has reality and the influence of the reaction, also the dream man's subjective imagination, please see the following from (The duke of zhou interprets's official website) small make up to help you organize the dream of rainbow detailed solution.

The dream of rainbow

A pregnant womanWill dream of rainbow, gave birth to a strong child.

Literati dreamt that rainbow, can success, full of heroism.

Soldiers dreamed that rainbow, there is war.

The originalDuke of zhou interprets

Swallow a rainbow dream.Rainbow, sex is now.Dream of food, has been strong in pregnant women's son, literati main hero qi, born mighty Lord of war."The dream Lin Xuan solution"

Swallow a rainbow dream.Has been better in pregnant women, scholars advocate can success, strong men of war.The broken dream secretary

Dreamed of rainbow case analysis ()

Dream description: sleep, as if I came to a busy busy streets, on both sides of the street lights, neon lights flashing.The strobe lights colours, decorated with beautiful streets, walk in it, as if into a colorful world.(female, 23 years old)

Dreams resolution: neon-lit dream, is a symbol of love and extramarital affairs.Dreamed of flashing neon lights, it shows that you are a romantic man.Unmarried men and women dream of neon-lit, indicate the love will come to your side, or lover will give you an unexpected gift.Married men and women dream of neon-lit, means that you will encounter a period of an affair, and you will be put into.However, this paragraph of feeling can only be a "one more kiss".

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