Dream of Halley's comet

Dream of Halley's comet is what mean?Dream dream of Halley's comet, ok?Dream of Halley's comet has reality and the influence of the reaction, also the dream man's subjective imagination, please see the following from (The duke of zhou interprets's official website) small make up to help you organize dreamed of Halley's comet detailed solution.

Dream of Halley's comet

Dream of Halley's comet, said the test of accident waiting for you, you may be from a little-known small potatoes, popularity, slowly become widely-known, is a good dream.

Dream of a meteor, on the one hand, you may move.Flashes on behalf of the mind, or for a passing moment of memory.Indicated in your business, on the other hand, able to capture the pin short longitudinal fleeting opportunity, or will have the opportunity to get a brief but exciting success.In the emotional, may presage a some love you stagnation, perhaps has another lover in the heart of the person you love, or to some small things, make you both conflict so that finally alienation, especially inDream of meteor showerThis possibility is stronger.In respect of the body, the dream of the meteor, may signal will face a disease.

If the dream of falling, but stay mid-air without fall off, also said is going to move, or job will take up the new changes, to prepare for.

The originalDuke of zhou interprets

The meteor fall, the main migration."The duke of zhou interprets"

Dream of the meteor, housing."Dunhuang dream book"

Dream a meteor in the population.Shooting star, as the flying bullet;Entrance to spare.Chief to litigation shall not identify, disease cannot be detached, gain strive, will be based.literatiA pregnant womanThis greatly auspicious dreams;And the main pedestrian to namely, tidings oral."The dream Lin Xuan solution"

Dream the meteor, fierce.Main body, life should be unique, like wither decline."The dream Lin Xuan solution"

Dream of psychology

Dream explanation: the dream of the meteor, symbolic move, indicated that the life will change.

Psychological analysis: the dream of the meteor, love stagnant possibility is very large, perhaps each other's heart has been sent to the third party, or to small, two people's heart has run in opposite directions, especially in the dream of meteor, this possibility is stronger.Dream of meteors sky-high, short but extremely exciting signal will be success.This success to all of a sudden, "take one now, but it can be thorough popular feeling, unforgettable.Stay young dream of a meteor in mid-air without fall down, will be going to move, or work will have new adjust or change.Businessman dream of meteor stay in mid-air without fall, indicated that opportunity has been like a shooting star cross over.Clerk dream of meteor stay in mid-air without fall, indicated that can capture the fleeting opportunity.Old man dreamed of meteor stay in mid-air without fall, will face a disease.Leadership dream of meteor stay in mid-air without fall, mean there will be the chance of promotion.

Dream of Halley's comet

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