Dream of gap

Dream of gullies is what mean?Dream dream of ravines, ok?Dream of gullies have reality and the influence of the reaction, also the dream man's subjective imagination, please see the following from (The duke of zhou interprets's official website) small make up to help you organize dreamed of gullies detailed solution.

Dream of gap

Symbol of obstacles or difficulties in the dream.

Dream of ravines, said may be you are in some kind of can't get rid of the predicament, or inner fear they will be in that situation.

Dreaming that I am digging ditches, said you may be due to some reason of and troubled;Dream of others digging ditches, says you may feel unable to control their own destiny, and worry about can't avoid disaster coming, and concern about.

Dreamed that he pushed the others into the ditch, the dream is, you may be trying to hide his human nature in the one hand, it is pulled down, is likely to be representative of a certain aspect of yourself.

Dream out of the ditch to rescue his relatives, friends, said you have the ability to help solve problems with friends and family, could help them out of trouble.

Dream feels big ditch bottomless, may indicate you have already can't save the mistake before.

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