Dream of the sky

Dream of high altitude is what mean?Dream dream of high altitude, ok?Dream of high altitude with reality and the influence of the reaction, also the dream man's subjective imagination, please see the following from (The duke of zhou interprets's official website) small make up for the dream of high altitude you tidy the detailed solution.

Dream of the sky

Dreaming that I ascended on high, suggesting that you earn achievements, but there was no blessing to enjoy.

Young people dream of down the ladder to climb, said they would step by step, from the low position promotion, and no more pleasure in life.

Dream of high in the sky to meet god or friend, said you'll suffer many losses, after many days you will like to open.

Dream of standing on high, as long as his mood is happy at that time, then it will have the apprentice dreamer, feel anxious, but if you said you recently responsibility is very big, but the risk is also high.

Dreaming that I am standing at the top of the tower, tower will have more spiritual meaning, such dreams represent themselves as spiritual leader, controlling of hammering, can get people's respect, be an example to the people or idol.

Dream of standing on the edge of a cliff, the front is the deep, followed by the ground, before further pieces, one step back seasky, indicated you may recently faces the choice of key period, need careful thinking and make a decision for the next step, choose wrong it means you will face a road full of thorns, and choose the right is convenient.

High on behalf of the power and wealth, and so on in a dream, lower on behalf of the poor, bad things, and so on.Standing on high said you are at the centre of power, powerful, and dropped from a height, you may experience a turning point in life, life experience.

Dream of standing on high drop, however, represents the dreamer has potential insecurity, may be social status, a drop in performance, etc.

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