Dream of the fog

Dream of the fog is what mean?Dream dream of fog?Dream of fog has reality and the influence of the reaction, also the dream man's subjective imagination, please see the following from (The duke of zhou interprets's official website) small make up to help you organize the dream of the fog the detailed solution.

Dream of the fog

The fog often appears in the morning, because can stop the line of sight of people, make it difficult to walk, so the dream the fog is often seen as not auspicious sign.

Such as dreamed about in the heavy fog,Duke of zhou interprets) that all things are not very well recently, in the heart and feel sad and annoyed;This dream that it is usually not too believe that others, otherwise it will affect our judgment of things right, to cheat by others.

Officer who dreamed of fog that recently there will be a public petition, and ourselves are likely to get into trouble because of this, there are even in danger of losing positions.So at ordinary times must proceed with caution, efforts to improve relations with the people around you.

Farmers a dream in the fog, adverse to the field crops.Fields may be heavy rain.

But if the dream of the fog dispersed slowly, luck is not so bad.Because this portends a lot of difficult things had begun.

A symbol of the ancients will mist as inauspicious.They believe that the dream appears black fog, there will be a disaster, if marchThe war, will fail miserably;Dreamed of before the palace of cigarette smoke, will happenfire.But if can do good at ordinary times, can be spent.

Dream of the fog, indicated may be cheat a friend, to be treated with caution.

The original duke of zhou interprets

Dream the fog bank of China.The fog, clouds.This dream, every dwyane is moist, not dash to such as disease, o not scattered, suit for dwyane crabbed, the lost of sight, o hope is unknown.(" Lin Xuan solution)

Dream of psychology

Dream explanation: dream fog symbol loss or confuse, especially refers to the emotional confusion.Maybe you can't do anything about these problems.

Psychoanalysis: dream of walking in the fog in fact warned you don't because others evaluation of certain things too high to make wrong judgment.Quietly, waiting for things clear is the best way.In addition, the dream of fog can symbol you transition in the level of consciousness.

Spiritual symbol: from this level dream fog symbol of spiritual doubts and confusion.In addition, it said the secret of religious ritual.

Dream of the fog

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