Dream of waves

Dream of waves is what mean?Dream dream of waves?Dream of waves have reality and the influence of the reaction, also the dream man's subjective imagination, please see the following from (The duke of zhou interprets's official website) small make up to help you organize the dream of choppy detailed solution.

Dream of waves

Dream of waves is ominous, suggesting that there will be a disaster.

Dreaming that I fell into choppyThe sea, said this period of life will lose the direction, will be lost in confusion.

Single men and women dream of a rough sea, into the most luck beautiful, say goodbye to the single chance is very big.

Married people do this dream, said a bad marriage, many hardships, between husband and wife need to communicate more.

Dream of the sea at high tide, or storm, said difficulties will pile up.

Dream of the sea at high tide, which indicated your problems may be piled up.Will soon be attacked by the enemy.

Dream of high tide, portend an opportunity oncoming tide, show your resources will increase.

Dream of low tide, show that you don't want to change is the way of life too cautious, the original way, factors of stagnation is hiding.

Dream of tide, the tide is the symbol of opportunity.

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