Dream of palm trees

What is the meaning of dream of palm trees?Dream dream of palm trees, ok?Dream of palm trees with the reality and the influence of the reaction, but also the dream man's subjective imagination, by (please see the followingThe duke of zhou interprets's official website) small make up to help you organize dreamed of palm trees detailed solution.

Dream of palm trees

Palm trees primary success.Tall and straight palm trees sturdy, symbol of the success.

Dreams see palm trees, indicated in your life is full of hope, will enjoy the happy society.Could you recently there will be exciting to travel, or more than expected revenue.

If the dream palm tree roots in the water, the trees bathed in sunlight, said family stability, parents aetna.

Young women dream of after a is palm trees on both sides of the street, indicate the faithful husband, a happy family.

Dream of fall of palm trees, indicated that the emergency let her pain, disturbed the quiet life.

Dream of palm trees, will be prosperous, rich life happiness.

Dream of climbing palm trees, to achieve their goals, they encountered many difficulties, but finally can succeed.

Dreamed of come down from the palm trees, is ominous, debilitating, less income.

Dream of cut down palm trees, will become the object of the boss 'anger, was charged with conspiracy or treason, or other penalties.

Dreaming that I am a palm leaf in hand, currently engaged in the career will be a brilliant victory.

Travel to difficult dream of palm trees, long-distance travellers will be smooth, can reach their destination safely.

Is the palm of the marching army officers dream wither as a result, is the writing on the wall, can get stomach trouble.

Dream of the palm is also not good signs of dry, disaster will happen, income will collapse.

Farmers' dream of fruitful palm trees, the crops would be made a good harvest.

marriedA womanDream of fruitful palm trees, husband and wife will be parental, grow old together.

Unmarried women dream of tall palm trees with fruit, will marry to a prestigious family.

Dream of piles of palm dry, implying that you can make a fortune in business.

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