Dream of coconut

Dream of coconut is what mean?Dream dream of coconut?Dream of coconut has reality and the influence of the reaction, also the dream man's subjective imagination, please see the following from (The duke of zhou interprets's official website) small make up to help you organize dreamed of coconut detailed solution.

Dream of coconut

Whether eat, smell, see, or open a coconut, all indicate there will be a surprise gift, also may be money.

In terms of sex, dream of with coconut milk, coconut, symbol of freedom, the original pure sex.

Dream of withering coconut, indicated that may suffer, may also be a friend's death.

Dream of the coconut, bespeak themselves don't quote too much hope for the future.

Dream of coconut tree wither, portend a failure signal, to actively respond to.

Dream of carrying a bottle of coconut juice, suggest you encountered an interesting event will be thoroughly upset and change your life plan.

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