Dream of elm

Dream of elm is what mean?Dream dream of elm, ok?Dream of elm have reality and the influence of the reaction, also the dream man's subjective imagination, please see the following from (The duke of zhou interprets's official website) small make up to help you organize dreamed of elm detailed solution.

Dream of elm

The fruit of elm because, like copper, hanging branches, it is also called beautiful YuQian.Then, elm, also have a nickname -- a cash cow.

Dream of elm, symbol of the wealth, usually said life comfortable, no worries.

Dream of the lush elm, said your life carefree, leisurely and comfortable freedom, do not need to work harder.

Dream of elm trees blossom, indicate your efforts will pay good returns, efforts will be rewarded.

Dream of elm has been eat by moth, or any other illness, injury, suggest your life although it seems happy, enviable, but there are also many goes wrong.

Dream of full YuQian elm, symbol of the smooth development of career, finances, happy life.

The originalDuke of zhou interprets

Dream in the elm, main clothing, food and abundance, without beg an image of self-sufficiency.The broken dream secretary

Dream yu, ji.Dream this person will be garment LuFeng lung, without beg self-sufficiency, enjoy the happiness, not for food and clothing."The dream Lin Xuan solution"

Dreamed of elm case analysis

The dream description: elm, and children picked YuQian eat together, then back to my dream, dream of a lot of elm.With light yellow YuQian elm, the tender and round, like a little copper, special lovely.(women, 20 years old)

Dream dream resolution: elm, is the symbol of carefree.Dream of elm trees of suggests that your life is very comfortable and easy and comfortable.Dream of flowers are blooming elm, show your work will get good returns, your efforts will reap rewards.

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