Dream of laurel.

Dream of laurel is what mean?Dream dream of laurel?Dream of laurel have reality and the influence of the reaction, also the dream man's subjective imagination, please see the following from (The duke of zhou interprets's official website) small make up to help you organize dreamed of laurel detailed solution.

Dream of laurel.

Dream of laurel, colorful recreational life predicted in waiting for you, you will enjoy a wide variety of recreational activities.In the rest of the day, you will learn a lot.Usually, it is a good dream for anyone.

Dreamed that the foreign minister laurel, predict the success and satisfaction.

Dreamed you pick up into the bay, the prediction to defeat the enemy, or you overcome the difficulties.

Dreamed that he won the title, is to remind you pride goes before a fall, so don't miss this opportunity.

The originalDuke of zhou interprets

Dream wind send cinnamon, well, there will be unexpected good news."The dream Lin Xuan solution"

Dreams won, in the middle of the business.The birth of,A womanThe Lord with your husband."The dream Lin Xuan solution"

Dreamed of laurel related meaning

Dream of sweet osmanthus, symbolizing the career and love sweet.

Dream of sweet osmanthus, suggesting that the success of the business.Also there will be a breakthrough for the development of love, or get to know a new girlfriend.

Men dreamed of osmanthus flowers, what are you busy, achievements of the future will have a big impact, is a shot of a good time.

Unmarried men and women dream of sweet osmanthus, there will be a surprise in your life, make you very happy.

Young women dream of the osmanthus wear on the head of the boyfriend, said she has a love their lovers.

Dreamed of laurel case analysis

A 】 【 case

Dream description: a dream last night, I dreamed I and a few people in planting trees, others are responsible for digging holes, I put the tree in the pit.A good tree after others, and I said this is the laurel, will grow very fragrant flowers and leaves can also do...I can don't remember what happened afterwards.Would you please tell me what the meaning it is a dream?

Resolution: dream dream of laurel, predictor for your success and happiness of life.This is a very good dream, your efforts on the job recently pay will have return.

The second case.

The dream description: chien-ming wang is a 25-year-old young people, but never find the right girl friend.One day, wang had a dream, he saw a tree greening dreamt that he don't know, he came to greening, see scattered on the ground a lot of sweet osmanthus, he holds up, bursts of flowers drifting into nasal, let him feel very comfortable.

Dreams resolution: osmanthus is known as the "flower in the old", in a dream has a very good signal, is the symbol of career, love sweet.Had this dream, believe that before long he will have to meet their loved ones.

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