Dream of cedar

What is the meaning of dream of cedar?Dream dream of cedar?Dream of cedar has reality and the influence of the reaction, also the dream man's subjective imagination, please see the following from (The duke of zhou interprets's official website) small make up to help you organize dreamed of cedar detailed solution.

Dream of cedar

Pines symbolize prosperous, the larger the pine tree, the luxuriant, wedding will be more at home.

Dream of vigorous and magnificent cedar, said happy success in your business.

Dreamed of destruction of water of cedar, said despair.Had this dream, do not succeed.

For aA womanDreamt of a dead pine tree, demonstrates that family was kicking, or other sad.

Dream of a pine tree, predict anything will step by step to success.

Dreamed of cedar case analysis

The dream description: I am a soldier dreamed that a lot of cedar, what this means?

Dreams resolution: heavy snow green pines, pine stand and straight, green pines symbolize the tenacious quality, the dream of cedar, which indicated on my career

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