Dream of garlic moss

Dream of garlic moss is what mean?Dream dream of garlic moss, ok?Dream of garlic moss have reality and the influence of the reaction, also the dream man's subjective imagination, please see the following from (The duke of zhou interprets's official website) small make up to help you organize dreamed of garlic moss detailed solution.

Dream of garlic moss

Dream of garlic moss, foreshadow the others will know his secret.

Dream of garlic moss, embarrassing things waiting for you.

Dream of garlic moss, which indicated you will be a little trouble.

Dream of psychology

Dream explanation: garlic has various meanings.In view of its shape and single garlic can strip away, it can be a symbol of women's fertility.The smell of it makes people associate it with protection, garlic usually indicates the meaning of the dream.

Psychology analysis: garlic can be used as protection against evil talisman.In medicine, it has protect the heart and the function of the nerves.

Spiritual symbol: garlic on the spiritual symbol of magic.

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