Dream of conifers

What's the meaning of the dream of the cypress?Dream dream of conifers, ok?Dream of conifers have reality and the influence of the reaction, also the dream man's subjective imagination, please see the following from (The duke of zhou interprets's official website) small make up to help you organize dreamed of conifers detailed solution.

Dream of conifers

The evergreen tree is a symbol of immortality and all things recovery.

Dream of conifers such evergreen, usually indicates you longevity and health, life and career.

Dreamed of scattered pine, you may have a disease.Remind you don't try to be brave, don't believe your physical energy, the body is the capital of my career.

Dream of leafy green conifers, said you healthy and energetic, and family well-being, wealthy life, loyal friend.

Dream of room for conifers, suggest parents longevity and health, and will be in the life, career or help you.

The originalDuke of zhou interprets

Dream cut conifers, main parents rejected.The broken dream secretary

House on conifers and prolong life."The duke of zhou interprets"

Dreamed of conifers case analysis

Dream description: I grew up in the forest, often recall dad taught me, the person should be integrity, strong like a pine tree.In dreams I born again I keep my forest region, saw the vigorous to the invasion of pine trees, in the heart feeling a lot, a lot of...(male, 34)

Dreams resolution: conifers dream is the meaning of health and longevity.Dream of vigorous invasion, branches and leaves of green conifers, means that your body is healthy, energetic, and family in good health.Dream house sprout conifers, bespeak your parents healthy body, can live long, and your parents can also help you in many ways.

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