Dream of trees

What is the meaning of dream of trees?Dream dream of trees?Dream of trees have reality and the influence of the reaction, also the dream man's subjective imagination, please see the following from (The duke of zhou interprets's official website) small make up to help you organize the dream of wooded detailed solution.

Dream of trees

Dream tree advocate healthy, tall and straight trees, symbol of the people's health;

Dream of green trees, means that the dreamer will be a strong, may be with good friends;

Dream of the tree green, a vibrant, the main business is thriving and prosperity;

Dream of large tracts of forest lands, suggesting that the dream will be prosperous, career developed, finished working, there will be big as;

Dreamed of garden trees, the family are all very healthy and good, the dream of prosperity.

Dream of trees in the park, it can get money on the interests of the business grew, but cut down the trees in the yard, should be paid attention to are burglaries or drop things.Dream of trees:

Dream of the lush trees, is the precursor, lucky that promises dream will be come into a good fortune,

Dream of luxuriant trees in the forest, indicate the dreamer prosper, rich;

A man dreamed of luxuriant trees in the forest, the dreamer in the near future will be a promotion promotion, raise, or get a sum of money;

A pregnant womanDream of luxuriant trees in the forest, is a sign of birth;

marriedA womanDream of luxuriant trees in the forest, that dream will soonpregnancyHave a son,;

Single women dream of luxuriant trees in the forest, will find contentment portends a dreamer's son-in-law, his family was very wealthy rich;

Patient dreamed of luxuriant trees in the forest, sick body will recover soon;

Traders dream of luxuriant trees in the forest, demonstrates that the dreamer is booming, bonanza.

Unemployed people dream of luxuriant trees in the forest, symbolizes the dreamer will soon find your satisfactory work.(Duke of zhou interprets )

Duke of stock market

Dreamed of up at the lush trees, each stock went up, looked down on by, fell.But if the fruit trees, even if the upward, should also be advisable to sell.

Dream of trees

The duke of zhou interprets of query