Dream of the root

Dreamed that the root is what mean?Dream dream of roots of a tree?Dream of roots have reality and the influence of the reaction, also the dream man's subjective imagination, please see the following from (The duke of zhou interprets's official website) small make up help you dream of the root of the detailed solution.

Dream of the root

Men dreamed of roots, said business is not yet stable, should redouble our efforts.

Women dream of roots, that have wisdom, have ideal, can be made from scratch.

Dreamed of chewing tree roots, will live as long as the southern mountain, and grandchildren.

Dreamed of cross cut roots, disaster will come from the enemy.

Dreamed that used to treat people, the root of the plant means you should be careful, disease or make you sad thing was coming.

Dream of the roots of plants or trees, suggests that the unfortunate, career or health are the skids, do you want to make oneself more powerful, can defeat your opponent.

Dream of the case analysis of the roots

A 】 【 case

Dream description: last night dreaming that I like in a big yard, so what also have no big yard grew to a big tree, I didn't notice the tree is what appearance, also do not know to have such as leaves, anyway, as if from a high place after jumping into the yard, as if don't have a way to go somewhere else, but that the root of the tree is very thick, went out of the middle part of the scattered, very intense, I'll step in on the roots of these bumps ran away, thought roots compared with the surrounding environment of white is very special, a little in panic, what is the meaning of this?I study at home, pretty much let me feel to do not have a previous state, also feel life is very difficult to change, sleep is not good.

Resolution: dream dream of roots, remind you now shaky, to lay a solid foundation in learning aspect, can to the next level.

The second case.

Dream description: dreamed about our house fell down the tree, and found there is no tree roots.

Dreams resolution: tree roots is the foundation, and dream of with no trees, remind what you are doing the foundation instability, temporarily stop, reorganize, so as not to lose money in the future.

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