Dream of lemon

Dream of lemon is what mean?Dream dream of lemon?Dream of lemon with reality and the influence of the reaction, also the dream man's subjective imagination, please see the following from (The duke of zhou interprets's official website) small make up to help you organize dreamed of lemon detailed solution.

Dream of lemon

Sour lemon flavor, eat up is painful, symbol of contradictions in the dream, or suffering.

Dream of lemon, suggest you have a family conflicts and arguments.Wife dream of lemon, is likely to be separated from her husband.

Dream of suck a lemon, you may encounter difficulties or obstacles in social.

Dream of squeezed lemon, shows you in the near future may body weakness, it's easy to get sick, pay attention to exercise and rest.

Dream sucked dry lemon that will face the money or economic crisis needs.

Dream of lemon juice, you are welcome, good interpersonal relationship.

Unmarried men and women dream of piles of lemon, indicated that can find good object.

Dream of bit of lemon, indicated that money might also have a large income and spending, if you have a huge income, don't happy too early, may soon there will be unexpected expenses.

Dream of eating raw lemon, remind you should pay attention to body health, this is ill omen, your body may be some Yin and Yang to be not moved.

Dreamed of drying shrinkage of lemon, mean divorce and respectively.

Dream is to eat lemons, suggesting that will make you angry.

Dream of green lemon, is the symbol of diseases and infectious diseases, you have to pay attention to your health.

Dreamed that a lot of lemon lemon tree, the mean you envy someone who is popular, but because of each other and aboveboard, make you feel ashamed of myself.

A pregnant womanDream of lemon, suggest you will give birth to a male baby, also announced a baby to grow up to become useful people.

The originalDuke of zhou interprets

Squeeze lemon, main body weak."The duke of zhou interprets"

See a lemon, family estrangement."The duke of zhou interprets"

Lemon piles, the main auspicious."The duke of zhou interprets"

Raw lemon, to disease."The duke of zhou interprets"

Dream of psychology

Dream explanation: as we all know, lemon tastes very sour, but inviting aroma.

Psychoanalysis: dream of lemon, suggest that the dreamer, after continuous efforts of their own, very long to do something, from deep inside hope oneself can have yielded substantial results, this is a sign of people strongly longing for a better life.Dream to see lemon, especially dream of lemon in a bowl, symbolize the past you put energy and enthusiasm to achieve orgasm.They nearly tail field means fast, should the harvest.A new beginning is just around the corner.

Dreamed of lemon case analysis

Dream description: I am a people who do not often dream, yesterday decided to forget everything happened before love experiences, but it had a dream last night, dreaming about a boy take the lemon is waiting for me, the man felt very strange and familiar with, but can't remember who it was, all I remember is on a park bench, his arms around me, be overbearing, but a very naughty big boy, he ratio I big, there are a bunch of brothers beside him, just remember that, I want to know, why how do this dream, the dream of lemon and represents what?

Resolution: dream this dream suggests that you will have a new start, work, love can get a new start, has long been a troubled problem could be solved, is a good dream.Lemon is something new in my dream.

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