Dream of papaya

Dream of papaya is what mean?Dream dream of papaya ok or not?Dream of papaya with reality and the influence of the reaction, also the dream man's subjective imagination, please see the following from (The duke of zhou interprets's official website) small make up to help you organize dreamed of papaya detailed solution.

Dream of papaya

Men dreamed of papaya, may be because their hesitation or arbitrary miss good opportunity.

A womanDream of papaya, portends a healthy body, for love.

The originalDuke of zhou interprets

Dream papaya blight, alternaria alternata female with eritrea.The broken dream secretary

Dream of psychology

Dream explanation: papaya cannot feed more, damage of teeth, bone.Men dreamed of papaya, may be because their hesitation or arbitrary miss good opportunity.Women dream of papaya, portends a healthy body, for love.A pregnant womanDream of eating papaya, good omen, foreshadow the children and their own body is healthy.

Psychoanalysis: papaya healthy body, the production and love, portends a will be in good health and that of their children.

Spiritual symbol: papaya like the reproductive health, at the same time with family and health are closely linked.

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