Dream of the reeds

Dream of reed is what mean?Dream dream of reed?Dream of reeds with reality and the influence of the reaction, also the dream man's subjective imagination, please see the following from (The duke of zhou interprets's official website) small make up to help you organize dreamed of reed detailed solution.

Dream of the reeds

Dream of reeds, usually remind you of unreliable friends around me, friendship is not stable.

Dreamed of reed case analysis

"Dream a"

Dream description: maybe it's because parents work in a paper mill, I am up to my eyeballs in paper mill in reed impression is deep.Once I dreamt that I went to the reeds.I walked up and down in the reeds, very not easy just walked out of the huge of reeds.(women, 22)

Dreams resolution: dream of reed, is the symbol of unstable friendship.Dream of reeds, suggests that the lack of a sense of security in your heart.If the dream of reeds on the wall of the pendulum is swinging, shows that among your friends, is not worthy of your trusted friend.

"Dream example 2"

Dream description: last night I dreamt of reeds, but in meng dream I approached was dandelions, represent?

Dreams resolution: dream of reeds, unstable bespeak his friendship.Dream of the dandelion, represents the pleasure trips or ran into an old friend home reunited.In a dream dream of dandelion, or dreamed of dandelion fluff floating to float in the air, portends a dream will have a memorable happy trip.In this happy trip, the dreamer can not only get a good view of the beautiful and colorful lakes and mountains, and will meet a stranger's good friend.In a foreign land meet old friends, have to surprise.

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