Dream of thorns

What is the meaning of dream of thorns?Dream dream of thorns?Dream of thorns have reality and the influence of the reaction, also the dream man's subjective imagination, please see the following from (The duke of zhou interprets's official website) small make up to help you organize dreamed of thorns detailed solution.

Dream of thorns

Dream about thorns, usually expressed in your life or other aspects of discontent and resentment;But also represents the power of evil will eat away at you for progress made every effort.

If the dream you are thorns stabbed, indicated by small setbacks;If not injured after thorns, you will have more happiness.

Dream of thorns intertwined with you that may have lawsuits, and the situation may be bad for you, also could mean you or your family want to get sick, to pay more attention to health.

Dream of thorns hidden under the leaves of the green, says you thrive will be subject to interference from private rivals and destruction.

The originalDuke of zhou interprets

The mud thorns, is impossible."The duke of zhou interprets"

Dream of thorns.Dream the Lord with his resistance, disease prevention, nobody in the house, and difficult to get.Scholars of the dream is auspicious.The broken dream secretary

Dream destroyed sweep off the thorns, ji.The main fortune, zte, is a gradual and possessions after the first failure."The dream Lin Xuan solution"

Dream similar to Chinese redbud, flesh scattered away from the Lord.The broken dream secretary

Dream of the case analysis of thorns

Description: dream dream tour my colleagues and I are in the mountains, the final preparations for this session of exhibition.We think of the other side of the maple trees, walked and walked, suddenly appeared in front of a lot of thorns, but also from around a lot, some colleagues also become obsessed with thorns.(male, 27 years old)

Said resolution: dreams often have trouble, any distress are the consequences of its own making, to this point and try their best to work hard, example as waiting time solve all have no choice but to.

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