Dream of the elder

Dream of the elder is what mean?Dream dream of elderberry, ok?Dream of bone no reality and the influence of the reaction, and the dream man's subjective imagination, by (please see the followingThe duke of zhou interprets's official website) small make up to help you organize dreamed of elderberry detailed solution.

Dream of the elder

Elderberry is regarded as the habitat of the soul, because will produce negative associations associated with witches, bad luck.During the middle ages, the burning of the elder, or to bring it inside are all bad luck.But after the proper treatment of the elder can produce the function of protection, such as collecting bones Scottish habits on May 1 konoha, and hung it on the door and away from the bad luck and bad things.Elderberry branches can be made into a wand and a cane (harry potter is one of the older is made of the elder wand), standing under the elderberry lightning protection.

Produced in southwest zhejiang, more than about 1500 years ago the shes' palace, and a rare wine kinds: she follows, according to minority elders, she secluded mountains since ancient times, such as insect bite rheumatism disease, often and simple way to solve such problems is lasted for thousands of years of tribal secret recipe, often drink green follows, and the green one of the rare element of mystery in the follows, is said to be the elder.

Dream of the elder is generally good.

Dream of patches of leafy elderberry, predict a happy family, and country life beautiful scenery pleasant, happy and clinking.

Dream of elderberry, says you are a warmhearted person, when you find friends need help and comfort, you will stand and, unrequited, so are you friend of popular person.However, what you have done this you planned spirit cannot be in love, in the emotional aspects you have refused to compromise the stubborn character, and easy to envy, feeling is not very stable.

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