Dream of sweet potato

What is the meaning of dream of sweet potato?Dream dream of sweet potato, ok?Dream of sweet potato with reality and the influence of the reaction, also the dream man's subjective imagination, please see the following from (The duke of zhou interprets's official website) small make up to help you organize the dream of sweet potato detailed solution.

Dream of sweet potato

Sweet potato is commonly known as sweet potato, potato.In Ming dynasty, li shizhen "compendium of materia medica" with "excess or insufficiency of sweet potato, appetizers spleen, kidney Yin, and said that the people in the sea food of longevity.Sweet potato as medicine of traditional Chinese medicine.

Dream of sweet potato, good omen, portends a easy life, eat and drink not sorrow.

Dream to eat sweet potatoes, baked sweet potatoes predictor for good luck.

Dream with others to eat sweet potatoes, which indicated in his own difficulties and need to get the assistance of others.

Dream of psychology

Explanation: dream dream of sweet potato, good omen, portends a easy life, eat and drink not sorrow.Dream to eat sweet potatoes, baked sweet potatoes predictor for good luck.Dream with others to eat sweet potatoes, which indicated in his own difficulties and need to get the assistance of others.

Psychoanalysis: dream of sweet potato, like to get help on psychology, and life.

Spiritual symbol: sweet potato symbol pictures with good luck and friendship.

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