Dream of a lot of corn

Dream of a lot of corn is what mean?Dream dream of many kernels, ok?Dream of a lot of corn have reality and the influence of the reaction, and the dream man's subjective imagination, by (please see the followingThe duke of zhou interprets's official website) small make up to help you organize the dream of a lot of corn the detailed solution.

Dream of a lot of corn

Dream of many kernels, be a sign of family harmony, couple conjugal love, happiness for a long time.

Graduates dreamed that a lot of corn, the interview for luck, relatives and friends introduced recommended is a shortcut.At the same time, to a new field and to apply for a new environment, and often more opportunities, better luck.

A man dreamed that a lot of corn, you be sensitive recently, just wait for time.

Unmarried men and women dream of a lot of corn kernels, sign your relationship chart.Improve your eye, pay attention to the union of material and spiritual, but difficult to reap.Communication between lovers who is not easy, each bosom thoughts, take words to defuse the crisis.

Traders dream of many kernels, predicted in the near future there will be a surprise.(byDuke of zhou interprets/ offer)

Dreamed that a lot of corn kernels, multi-worlds means will get the opportunity to travel recently, to maintain the body, get ready!

Investors dreamed that a lot of corn kernels, finance to solid deposit most can give you a sense of security.

Dream of corn grown very lush, predicted in the near future will have good luck.

Crack a mottled dream of corn kernels, say you will have all aspects of success and happiness.

Dream of others collection kernels, suggest you will be happy for the success of friends or relatives.

Dream of a lot of relative contents of corn kernels

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