Dream of the olive

Dream of the olive is what mean?Dream dream of olives?Dream of the olive has reality and the influence of the reaction, also the dream man's subjective imagination, by (please see the followingThe duke of zhou interprets's official website) small make up for the dream of the olive you tidy the detailed solution.

Dream of the olive

Olives, symbolic heart of hope.Dream of the olive, disappointment will find hope again.

Students dream of the olive branch, signalThe testSmoothly.

Dream of olive olive to give others, or their kind of olive, could be improved.

Dream of cut down the olive tree, you may want to lose a fortune.

The lovestruck young dreaming that I have an olive branch, predict relationship success, feelings of happiness.

The originalDuke of zhou interprets

Dream of olives.Dream to eat olives, every difficult after yi beforehand, no sweet without sweat.The famous scribe attack, have thick.Only force was splendid report achievement rewards;A&m at the age of industry, and then goods and food enough."The dream Lin Xuan solution"

Dream of olives.The main difficult before they are easy, no sweet without sweat.The broken dream secretary

Dream of the olive case analysis

Dream description: a little boy, like to listen to "in order to dream of the olive tree..."This song, but I have never seen a real olive trees.I dreamed olive grove, this woods particularly big, lush, at that time my heart still think: this is the olive tree.(male, 28)

Dream, dream resolution: the olive tree is the symbol of academic success and peace.Students dream of the olive branch that you work hard in the school, will get good grades.Dream of the olive branch to give others, you will get promoted in your work.You dream of the olive branch, represents the peace and tranquility.

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