Dream about lucky bamboo

What is the meaning of dream about lucky bamboo?Dream dreamed about lucky bamboo?Dreamed about lucky bamboo have reality and the influence of the reaction, and the dream man's subjective imagination, by (please see the followingThe duke of zhou interprets's official website) small make up to help you organize dreamed about lucky bamboo detailed solution.

Dream about lucky bamboo

Lucky bamboo in a dream, and suggests that in our lives are for piling on career, auspicious riches and honour.

Dream of lucky bamboo, good omen, make a fortune.

The patient dreamed about lucky bamboo, the body will recover soon.

Traders dream of lucky bamboo, will soon find a good project to make money.

His upset lucky bamboo in the dream, is refers to the business when you out a little mistake, there will be a little rain.So if you had this dream, recently business must be careful, to avoid trouble.

A man dreamed that lucky bamboo, your career is very good, work performance will be very satisfied, as experience we can complete each task, get leadership recognition.

A womanDream of lucky bamboo, portends a love luck is very good, will introduce the loved ones in others, but want to get to know each other more, avoid being deceived.

Office workers dream of lucky bamboo, which indicated the recent good luck, everything will be satisfactory, suggest you in business to efforts, will make good progress, is likely to be granted special promotion.

Job seekers dream of lucky bamboo, portends a recent job chart is very good, for will find a suitable for their own work, to show their talent as possible.

Patient dreamed about lucky bamboo, foreshadow the your body will be healthy, the illness will soon recover, suggest you to exercise more in the future, strengthen the resistance.

Students dream of lucky bamboo, predictor for youThe testYou have done very well, will make good progress, but can not be proud, to continue efforts, will get great progress in the future.

Dreamed about lucky bamboo case analysis

A 】 【 case

Dream description: dreamed I kind of lucky bamboo was broken

Dreams resolution: day have thought, night somewhat dream.This means that you love flowers and trees, usually at work or on a business trip also often think of it.Lucky bamboo represents his future.You consider his future, very lucky bamboo were broken, bound his interpretation is the environment or other reasons, not fully exert their talent.

The second case.

Dream description: had a dream last night that the windowsill one plant, get a look at is the lucky bamboo, is long in the soil, the soil is very dry very dry, but long is very good, bamboo is green is green, but also opened a yellow flowers, could you tell me what's meaning

Resolution: dream blooming flowers, bamboo at peace.Prosperous, double happiness.Good one million head, as long as you work hard, you will get others' recognition, close to success.

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