Dream of jujube

Dream of jujube is what mean?Dream dream of jujube, ok?Dream of jujube have reality and the influence of the reaction, also the dream man's subjective imagination, please see the following from (The duke of zhou interprets's official website) dreamed big jujube small make up to help you organize the detailed solution.

Dream of jujube

You dream of "date", often embodied in its fragrance color and taste.We know the fragrance of jujube can be gone with the wind very far, so here jujube symbol to expand.

And sweet jujube and red jujube, and could presage a happy life.

A pregnant womanDream of jujube or eat jujube, said it wouldson

Dream of red date, fortune has ups and downs, there is sorrow of life.

Tourists dream of red jujube, the journey will be very smooth.

The patient dreamed of red jujube, the body will soon recover.

Unmarried men and women dream of red jujube, Lord love after recently, but not too careless.

Dreamed that eat red jujube and jujube, picked soldiers will be surrendered to the enemy.

Singles dream eat red jujube and jujube, picked the relationship into a trough, don't take care of each other's feelings, unilateral pay is hard to get each other's response, has the potential to upset.

Old man dreamed that eat red jujube and jujube, the more recent difficulties, everything is not equal to idea.There are little harm, must be careful.But don't pessimistic, should take a step back to think, for good luck.

The originalDuke of zhou interprets

Eat jujube, birth of Lord."The duke of zhou interprets"

Dreams give dates.For this dream, will have a reputation in the world;For this dream, good fortune one hundred times;For the dreams, for a quick male and big expensive;Disorders that dreams, disaster regrets and corning.Fleeing the dream only, no choice;Officer of the dreams, Lord punished."The dream Lin Xuan solution"

Dream date.Jujube, early homophones, the dream, the fame and fortune earlier major, marriage, children, early, which is like of beaming down.Disease, dream is unfavorable.The broken dream secretary

Dream of psychology

Explanation: dream a dream to see dates, often remind you pay attention to some special and impressive things in life.In addition, the dream of jujube also means that the dreamer to seek friendship, looking for people who care about you.

Psychology analysis: that's very thoughtful of you desperately hope someone can care for and help yourself.

Spirit: some fruits, such as jujube, with fertility and birth customs are closely linked.In ancient Rome, dates because of its delicious taste and the spirit of joy often imagine when preparing the wedding as a sex hormone.

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