Dream of the ivy league

Dream of ivy is what mean?Dream dream of ivy?Dream of ivy have reality and the influence of the reaction, also the dream man's subjective imagination, please see the following from (The duke of zhou interprets's official website) small make up to help you organize dreamed of ivy detailed solution.

Dream of the ivy league

Dream of ivy, your body is very healthy, economic wealth.

Dreamed of green ivy covered trees or houses that healthy body, the bonanza.

For a young woman that you will get a lot of people think that is very valuable.

If young women dream of moonlight and covered the walls of the ivy league, recently said she and the young man tryst.

Dream of withering ivy, means off the engagement and other sad thing.

Dream of psychology

Explanation: dream dream for green, general indicating the old celebration and joy.It is also a symbol of the strong dependence to develop all friendship and relationships.

Psychoanalysis: ivy symbol of the sustained, long-term interests and feelings.You realize that should strive to satisfy their own desires and needs.

Spirit: from the perspective of spiritual learning, ivy marked the immortality and eternal

Dreamed of ivy case analysis

The dream description: in early summer my dream, I went for a walk in the park, very beautiful flowers in the park, in the, present a vibrant spectacle.And my favorite is the green ivy, simplicity, tenacious vitality, symbol of the vitality of life and vitality.(female, 25 years old)

Resolution: dream dream ivy, it is a very good dream.Dream of the ivy league in the home, which indicated all the happiness of your life;Dreamed of outdoor ivy, it shows that you have a trusted friend;Dream of climbing trees and long ivy, represents the health and vitality.Dream of climbing a wall and long ivy, marks you will have wealth.

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