Dream of betel nut

Dream of betel nut is what mean?Dream dream of betel nut?Dream of betel nut has a real impact and response, and the dream man's subjective imagination, by (please see the followingThe duke of zhou interprets's official website) small make up to help you organize dreamed of betel nut detailed solution.

Dream of betel nut

Betelnut primary success.Betel nut can quench thirst, remove symbolizes the difficulties, success.

Dream of betel nut, indicated that rich, or will soon overcome difficulties, to succeed.

Dreaming that I eat areca, indicate your independent business, will no longer rely on friends, can housekeep.

Dream of someone gave his areca, suggest you may soon beTo get married

Dreaming that I am picking up betel nut, be careful may suffer.

Dream of buy betel nut, forecast having guests rimmon home.

Men and women dream of betel nut, be careful you may be framed by others.

Unmarried men dream lover to betel nut, predicted love happy, successful marriage.

Dream to give his girlfriend betel nut, suggest you may want to break up.

Patient dreamed of chewing betel nut, portend a bust-up with doctors, became seriously ill.

Traders dream of betelnut from scattered in hand, indicated that business will suffer serious setbacks.

Dream of give enemy betel nut, predict enemy may bring you great losses, be careful beware of.

Men dreamed of betel nut toA womanThat will be members of the opposite sex friendship, you will have a confidante.

Dreamed of betel nut case analysis

Dream description: last night I dreamt that I eat areca areca slag spitting out, then pulled it out with the hand, but a a pull, pull a lot or pull up, then a truck driver (a stranger) told me that you to grab your nose with your fingers to spit out the betelnut slag completely, I followed him hints do, however, betelnut slag can't spit it out.

Resolution: dream dream of chewing betel nut, demonstrates that there will be trouble you, it is difficult to remove.

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