Atlantic yew says

The western third,says: elegance.It is a legacy of the quaternary glacier ancient tree species, in bad weather conditions, tenacious vitality to have lived on earth more than 250 in ten thousand, dioecious, male cone single solitary, axillary female cone ovule solitary in the top of the upper lateral of rachis short axis, a disc aril at base.

Atlantic yew says

Flower talk says

Bury me in the place where the arrow fell!Arrow drops in the western world the roots of taxus chinensis, Robin Hood in this underground forever sleep, so western yew means "elegant", like inherited the Robin Hood nobleness babyish.

Atlantic yew contact with Christianity

Since ancient times, Christianity is a link to the sage and specific flower habits, this followed in the church when honor saints, often caused by altar ornament with blooming flowers!In medieval Catholic monasteries, is like a garden center of planting all kinds of flowers, over time, the church will be 366 days of saint respectively and different flowers together, form the so-called flower calendar.

At that time most of the monasteries in southern Europe, southern Europe is Mediterranean climate, very suitable for planting flowers.Atlantic yew is chosen to sacrifice to st bello ni card flowers.

Atlantic yew representative characteristics of birthday (January 13)

Personality: people born on this day of work is always the first.As long as beneficial to his career, he will be desperate.If you are lucky, and he will give you the most stable life, because of his sense of responsibility strong.If you are unfortunate, it is best not to bother him, his horns will become you to breathe.In that case, just stay at a respectful distance from sb

Health: anyone born on January 13, after the old will be overly concerned about health problems.Expect physicians to provide them with a lot of services, and even put their physician as a hero.As for the dietary habits, the most healthy way is a few much food, eat more fresh fruits and vegetables, can greatly enhance the vitality and stamina.

Birthstone: garnet

Birthday divination: you are a like the person who change, often feel uneasy.And you are a very enjoy, do not hesitate to spend money in exchange for most comfortable living environment.Because you don't have enough sense of security, so don't trust others, thought a little stubborn and refused to accept defeat, so you more believe in my own way of doing things, friends less and less, eventually isolated up.

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