Blood type and personality

Blood is born, is what we can't change, is the source of our life force.It will dominate our character, thinking and even the development of the future.Because personality is often decided to fate.Each person's life, want to contact a lot of people and things.Our mood and work efficiency, to a large extent influenced by them.And you couldn't change our personality, even said to adjust yourself to cushion the effect of them, so how to really understand yourself.The following is about the different type of character.About AO type here small make up did not do a detailed explanation.

Type A blood,

Personality characteristics, analyze the self

This type of person is good at analysis of self, at the same time, the other people to give their evaluation and reflect changes in the environment far too sensitive, are nervous.Their thoughts and behavior can't more than specifications, handle affairs carefully regularly, able to endure pain, psychological defense is very strong, is a person loving family life.Have the spirit of sacrifice, with coordination.Active service people, attaches great importance to the surrounding atmosphere.Love alone, easy to conceal his true, unable to trust others

Type B blood

Personality traits, intuition

About their physical condition is very nervous, can freely express their emotions;Indifference to the people and things around;Smart action is bold and unrestrained, active thinking, broad interests.Bright personality and cut to the chase, didn't mind's eye, heart a soft, compassionate, hobby transverse relationship.All intuitively and impression, desperate efforts go down easily.Don't beg a result, only care about process, now are of the utmost importance.

AB blood

Personality traits, advocating rational

Moderate, can get along with people, the pursuit of rationality;Hate hypocritical people, has a strong critical spirit: the brain fatigue, part of a fatigue is weak.Natural pacifists, very keen to do some of no benefit to himself, or to the public and running.Action sharp, hot and cold, often seen as a heresy.Often walk the road of self and does not take the initiative into groups.

Type O blood

Personality traits - go forward

Strong, like to do STH unconventional or unorthodox.Unwilling to fail, is keen on politics, ashamed to lag behind others.Personality is strong, but it is not difficult to get along with people, and is willing to make more good knot, many friends.This type of people, both the reality aspect, and have a romantic side.Insight into overall situation after taking action.Once determined, it's very difficult to change again.Is sensitive to goodwill and malicious,

Credibility for the main shaft, a very thorough companion consciousness, like a herd.

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