Who is a piggy bank, who is a moonlight clan?

Who is a piggy bank, who is a moonlight clan?

A different blood type has a different way, money and wealth also follow a different way from fortune, inevitably, also can have different consumption concept.A, B, 0, AB blood type, what kind of blood type is cautious, economical piggy bank, which is A spendthrift moonlight clan?

Type A blood,People carefully, conduct careful, good at microscopic analysis, but often have a weakness of paranoia.Say to A calculated piggy bank, type A people are deserved.Type A people strong risk awareness, would rather miss don't want to do something wrong.They like to amass wealth, saving, and looked at his wallet up gradually, the Numbers in the account is more and more big, type-a people uncontrolled excitement and pride.Investment, however, cannot let them reassuring, utilization rate of capital investment has always been very low blood type A person must be moved for A long time in the brain, through strict calculation, and once invested money will be very nervous.Type-a people generally more economical in life simple, don't like to spend, so capital utilization ratio is low.

Type B bloodPeople relative to other type of people, it is easier to waste of money, known as the tendency of "the moonlight clan", often unknowingly spend feeling, for a variety of popular thing, they are curious, is also a serious victims of all kinds of consumer advertising, advertising push what they what to move, perhaps for blood type B people spend money to buy is a feeling.So, to be more in control of their consumption desire, to establish a good concept is "saving money", that will also be easier to amass wealth, for them, this is a good financial effect.Popular now do stocks and funds, type B blood friend would prefer to follow suit, their sources of information is widely, but the specific how to buy what to buy, but not to follow suit to listen to anyone, or to produce their own good judgment and claim to be better!

0 type o person with a generous generous side, pay attention to in town, for intercourse dinner party willing to spend money.Sometimes people will because more impulsive personality type 0 blood, often easy because whim to buy unnecessary things, waste of money.General type 0 blood to return for a lower savings not much interest, they generally are not afraid of risks, like do something challenging, easily attracted by high returns risky investments, such as risk investment, high prices, will be they swallowed the cause of the money in his pockets.Type 0 blood people, however, don't like blood type B perceptual impulse and their impulse is generally based on rational analysis, not unprovoked hot-headed, interest at the moment.Although free-spending pragmatic type 0 blood people, making money is also quite fast, belongs to the free-spending, the category of people making money hand over fist.

AB bloodPeople for the handling of money is also more generous, but more special is that they are not very the attention must return, for example, someone gave them something, they don't have to reciprocate, or they send something others, also don't expect others to reciprocate.They are warm, pure, consider things more simple, but also has the certain impulse of nature, and easily influenced by others, to finance the way easy to swing.Some water as AB blood is more frugal, keen perception of them, is there are a lot of opportunities to create wealth, but the psychological bearing capacity of a less, don't like too much risk, also don't believe in the myth of overnight, prefer to err on the side of the finance and investment, money into the category of "golden mean".

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