Aries type A blood

Aries type-a _ type characterAries type-a _ type characterAries type-a _ type character

  Character and temperament

If in one sentence shows that type AAriesPersonality traits, that is self contradiction.Because A person's temperament and have many opposite Aries personality, so double character, make you in daily life, sometimes show the characteristics of type A, sometimes has the characteristics of the Aries, often appear self contradiction.

Characteristic of type A is attaches great importance to the traditional way of life, very careful steadfast pursuit goal in life, so you are showing A model, at the same time for the idea of things will tend to be conservative, also relatively negative action, even if you think you have to reform or beyond, you will also be slow, not easy to break through the status quo.

, on the other hand, the characteristics of the Aries is decisive action, have the courage to move forward, for any things carried a superior enterprise, therefore, when you show the Aries personality, have the spirit of adventure, all things will not retreat, and perseverance to forge ahead.So, type A Aries you, the heart often produce dramatic conflict, sometimes bold and decisive, sometimes still soft oligonucleotides, contradict each other!In A word, type A Aries you often in conflict and contradiction, to lower the contradictions and conflicts, the internal and external harmonic, the ideal way is to the advantage of type A to compensate for the Aries faults.The combination of the advantages of both, will be achieved great achievement.

Type A you are good at defense, but tend to slow to attack, and Aries people, but just the opposite, if the attack, can play the remarkable ability, but the defense is weak.So, if you could combine the advantages of both, is also very delicate and can randome, become everyone praise.

But, if you are very unfortunately is a combination of the two aspects of the shortcomings, is doomed to end in tears, not likely to succeed at whatever you do anything, the rest of my life can't be somebody.

Can actually lucky in combination with the advantages of both sides, and prevail are only A few people, and combined the two aspects of the shortcomings, like seem, not crowded with poor people see in the dark, most of the type A Aries people are combined with the advantages and disadvantages of type A and Aries.As a result, you often struggle in the confusion and the heavy floating circumstances, contradictions.

As in other aspects of performance, you attaches great importance to the principle of things, in the highly principled, lifestyle or thinking method and has the ability of restrain feelings.Any one thing that attracts you, and you will be with full enthusiasm and efforts into it.

Advice: don't be too stubborn in their ideas and opinions, or too much attention to your principles, should break the barriers of ideas, to take the attitude of elastic to accept the opinions of others, at the same time should also cultivate the spirit of optimism, courage.

  The tendency of love and sex

You show the Aries personality adequately in terms of love and warm, once fell in love with someone of the opposite sex, it becomes very impulsive, almost impossible to self control.Type at this time, however, A peculiar inhibition will timely, therefore, you will not precipitate action, the enthusiasm and surging in the heart, like the protagonist in the book, "the trouble of young werther" love in our hearts grow from day to day, but did not dare to give expression to love bravely, and suffered from feeling for all day long, almost to lose each other, life is meaningless.

Like this, A type of distress and Aries enthusiasm continue fighting and suffering you, one day, you will never succumb to heart surging enthusiasm, you'll have the courage to express love for each other.

If the other party after you have to show him to accept your love, you will be happy and grateful to cry bitterly, but if the other party refused to you, as ifThe end of the worldCome, you can't bear such a blow, and appear desperate, frustrated, life is no longer has any meaning.

Because you are so extreme, the emotional impact is so great, therefore, very careful to love you, love for the first big hit, profession is by no means a temporary emotional.You belong to a lack of goals cannot survive, when you love a person, each other's life was far better than his own life, other targets have been forgotten. Turning to the goal of love as a goal in life, and the other side of the target goal becomes you.

In general, type A Aries love you is love at first sight.Other type of Aries people may immediately launched campaigns, only you to suppress their type A, passion surging in my heart.Once the show love to each other, the enthusiasm like torrent plummeted, take each other into a maelstrom of passion.

Even the type A Aries women, character is also very strong, never give sovereignty to men, once summoned the courage to express love, also can pour into all the enthusiasm.

Like a magnificent and victorious love, in the aspect of sexual desire is very strong, but not obsessive pattern, therefore, sexual behavior may be a quick victory, end soon.And your sex life, began to pace may not cooperate with each other, this is because the type A Aries person originally, there is no easy mood.Are you in love although vigorous, earth-shattering, but it will not last long.That's because you type A Aries, and not to release passion out bit by bit, or slow intriguing, but as the storm, xie HongPengPai, faster, more is huge, but also go, without A trace.So this type of you, but to fall in love usually maintain a year, or even less than a few months to break up, but after break up each other without attachment, without a little affection, the romance is not worth the aftertaste.

Advice: you always have the phenomenon of unrequited love, so before you to the other party, it's best to weigh each other feelings for you, so as not to bear the pain of rejection.

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