Rat AB blood

AB blood rat _ type characterAB blood rat _ type characterAB blood rat _ type character

AB blood type of outgoing, sensitive, active, intelligent, fast response, love self expression.Belong to the ratAB blood type surface and good docile, broad-minded, but deep down he was very cold, serious, never agree to do things, all things to make their own judgments.Fierce debate, with friends will be warmly listen to their opinions, but in the absence of a friend, will give air to her comments, milli relentlessly criticized the friend, so some people say that they are sleek.Optimistic humour, very will say, both happy for each other, and not the heart of disgust, and efficient, the recognition of boss.Born intelligent, witty, strain capacity and ability to adapt is very strong, methodical, meticulous, often deal with well.

Love fantasy, often addicted to represent themselves in the fantasy world.Is a "niggard" and "self-interest", things always weigh repeatedly, the stacked shall not do or do less, but if friends or relatives have difficulties, they will try to help, even stopped his work to help.Although cold and serious impression to the person, but because of this cold serious mystery, can get along with almost all the people around you, because already should have a little distance from person to person.

Although mice AB blood type is smart, but in the realm of love is frustrating.

For their loved ones, will consume a lot of energy, racking their brains bent on each other's cup of tea, but often backfire, excessive enthusiasm to make each other to accept, "fever", and ridiculed.Tend to be a counter at ordinary times when I did not get love gentle character, become into a rage, and even offend others, affect the work, recovered.But after unremitting efforts, after breaking them, the flower of love will eventually bears sweet fruit.Like dedicated, loyal to family, cherish the hard-won love, would love his own wife, and children well.

Gentle, virtuous, considerate, has the tutelage of the woman is very suitable for rat AB blood type of man, together, they will have a lasting relationship, spread to the world.

Is a rat AB blood type people should break away from their home, grumpy shortcomings.Belong to the rat blood type O blood type O person's personality tend to be moderate, enthusiasm, cheerful, honest, helpful, generous.

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