Zodiac cattle blood type B

Zodiac cattle _ type B blood type characterZodiac cattle _ type B blood type characterZodiac cattle _ type B blood type character

Belong to cowType B bloodIs the man who is special personality, unique idea, some elusive, not easily express your real heart.Introverted, very shy, not about to express their feelings, experience, heart very kind, sensitive, to oneself too lack of confidence and an introvert.But the very persistent, to cause the tireless, hard work, after middle age, can achieve the purpose of a hope.Constancy of friends and often have a long friendship.High self-esteem, often hide their feelings, but the heart longing for love, should be frankly to express their views, so as to get a good love, otherwise will only cause a lifelong regret.Should choose those who have a bright and cheerful disposition, generous and optimistic, humor as a romantic partner, especially to avoid their timid and shy, self closed person as a partner.

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