Type B type B: compact loose relationship

  Type B type B: compact loose relationship

  Type B bloodIs a typical liberal, they freely, quiet joy can't move.Can imagine, two completely free from friends to self, how it will be a kind of situation?Loose and tight relationship, this is blood type B and type B blood friendship!

Type B blood of free and easy person mind, talk humor, free and lively.They are rich in topic and let others couldn't help involved, dripping fun to talk with them.A group of people have a type B blood, enough to let everyone laugh and disorderly, if encounter with two type B blood, but rarely have the tacit understanding and speculation.Because both of them are super ego, speaks, regardless of the other favorite don't like, want to often listen to don't want to hear, you breath.In their world, rarely took notice of what people or what thing is, therefore, between the two type B blood, lack most is mutual attraction and attachment, even though they will be together is "1 + 1" loose condition, rather than as a whole.

Freedom and ego personality determines the people of blood type B and type B blood loose relationship, they cannot and will not close, because they are too self, it is easy to take each other "happened".Especially early acquaintance, or know soon, two people often feel with each other is not speculation, to some extent is also have unpleasant associations.Of course, this also is not to say that they must be antagonistic to each other, most of the time, type B and type B after understanding communication, still can be harmonious to get along.

Most people who know the type B blood free, dreamy thoughts would be with is a friend of type B blood, so two type B blood after a long deep contact, the most easy to resonate in thinking.Writers and critics of type B blood work the most popular with type B blood readers is a great example.And they are informal, interact freely, personality and have a common language, so both sides if further conversation was very happy.Even blocked from friends for many years, will also occasionally meet freely like I used to talk, don't feel after a long time two people respectively have unfamiliar feeling.

But no matter how close relationship between blood type B, pace in action is still difficult to unity.Between blood and type B blood type B is easy to argue, because both sides are "chart", are straight temper, temper, so sometimes conflict due to interfere with each other's actions, but most don't bear grudges between them, things past is past.At the same time they from the bondage of collective organization, supervisor relationship or marriage, will be going up soon.But each of them has a strong ability to act, assigned to them to do the work of relatively independent content, each of them can do very well.After a period of time after the break-in and habits, they are in the field of mental or knowledge can be a good team player.

Type B blood men is a group of people practice the best interpretation of freedom, which are type B blood men get along together very unlikely.We can think of type B blood men barely exist between friends or partnership.But a time of crisis, they show strong spirit of cooperation.Even if no contact at ordinary times, they can also be common breathing.But as long as through the difficult, they will immediately return to its original state.Type B type B, this relationship is doomed to be loose and tight!Even in the relationship, action is also difficult to tune.

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