Type O blood men and women love law

Type o blood men love law

1, confidence, independent of girl, it is best to work ability and a good family.O claim to the lover is very comprehensive, and their self protection concept is very strong, he doesn't need to go to take care of him, you are always very touching, but hope you will support him when he needs.If a girl is only one aspect is very outstanding, but in another respect is very poor, he was not so happy when I was in the choice.

2, looks beautiful, family condition good girl.Type O bloodIn for the other half when the choice, easy to approach the perfect conditionsA womanLove at first sight.So if a girl can have a good appearance and family condition, then she will be very easy to win the O of the boys like.Because O beauty, always have priority in consciousness.

3, talk play decent, good temperament, good at communication girl.O the feelings of the need to develop and test in practice.If a girl's temperament is good, and can tolerate O boy, and good at communication model turning on mind, then the balance of emotion type O boys will tilt to her.Especially if the other side of the mouth sweet and very clever, it is more easily.

Type O blood men and women love law _ type character

Type O blood living law of love

1, handsome, has certain enterprise foundation and economic ability of man.The man's handsome and strength of O girl is very attractive.If a man looks good condition, has the dedication to work, good economic conditions, too, he will attract the attention of some type O girl.If his money but depend on oneself completely losing ground, being active and able to type O girl, a high success rate.

2, optimistic positive, ambition, and able to drive the girlfriend's boy.If a boy's psychological quality is good, and for career and be able to use their ability to associate girlfriend, O girls will like him very much.Of course, the home had better not too poor.(Blood type and personality /xx/)

3, to be able to get everything ready in reality, pay attention to methods, and never to drag a man.Type O is don't like to rely on, if you also ask her, that also bother her, she will don't think you're capable of, and even look down upon you.So the man in the pursuit of O girl, be sure to maintain independent self-confident attitude, and good service, don't ask for everything, so she is likely to be in love with you.

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