How pleasing type 0 girl really

How pleasing type 0 girl really

Type O people are focus on the first impression.With type O people, if left a bad impression on her from the start, it is rather difficult to recover after;On the contrary, if the first met you give her a good impression, you and her will have much more smoothly.

To this end, the first thing to treat each other with sincerity, let her feel your sincerity, she can communicate with you, until the trust.Dally, an indirect expression thought is, won't make of type O.Must be clearly see her advantages and disadvantages in particular, do not flatter, nor clever to enlighten her to do that to make her angry.

In addition to some marriage for political purposes, O people generally prefer to own decided her lifelong event.Therefore, you won't use managing strategy, it will backfire.

How pleasing type 0 girl really _ type character

(Blood type and personality /xx/)

Date with type O person, had better choose her favourite hobby, also can choose her favorite work, as a date in the topic of conversation, and the tone of it is best to use consult in word and deed.With her laugh for a long time if can provide the full of romantic love story, will be effective.But beware, meet with her, never mind wander somehow.Her favorite you send a gift can be reserved for memorial.Activities to let her know that you like her very much;Expressed sincere appreciation for the advantages of her, and for a common future painted a beautiful blueprint.There are, of course, it is necessary to advance their own conditions, circumstances and marriage to tell each other, meet O people like practical character.Type O people to be kinder to relatives and friends, literally a few words of joke is it doesn't matter with her.But, don't hurt her self-esteem.Otherwise, she will fire emit three zhangs.She also hate others compliment to her, don't like others to say grateful to her.

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