Type B people have what change not to drop

Type B people have what change not to drop

People of different blood type, actually also is to have rules to follow in character, natural genetic factors determine the acquired a lot of things.Summarize and compare what are the differences between your personality and others?Your behavior characteristics and others what the difference?Believe that when you have mastered most of these principles, to lay a good foundation for the future career development and access to a broader space for development.Below for your depth resolution type B people you don't understand.

1, the sense of alienation

Type B people to society is not grasping, at the same time also appears relatively poor in adaptability.

Type B people while supported by a strong self-esteem, and full of confidence of life in this world, but due to financial sense of alienation, breaking out of inferior feeling net is not in the minority.Like I did it my way, disgust rule, system at home.

2, subjective

"Regardless of how others think, I just said I want to say, do what you want to do."People with this kind of psychological, mostly from inferiority, this kind of person he was reluctant to criticize him, others or doing ordinary things.In his mind, just want to live up to his idea, subjective to do what you want to do.Also somebody will think this is different, in fact, the parties are in the case of honestly, do you want to do things very natural, this is the type B people.

Type B people for their words and deeds, always very confident, but also very responsible.And subjective, sensible, argumentative, pure, no desire, strong and decisive force and exaggerated style, are the features of type B.

3, action

Type B people are optimistic, don't like soul-searching, doing things without context, and also don't care about others opinion of himself.Type B people's words and deeds is impulsive, emergency without reflection, he doesn't care about action and as a result, the purpose of though type B people to reproduce the actual and rich with force, but it is very easy to change, interest in type B people lack of personality traits, but the personality action being obtained results to the bad side.If be to the good side, to complete work perfect.A few words and heavy, not easy task to complete the actions of others.

4, lack of perseverance

When the type B people encounter problems, broad, often do not finalize the design of flexible thinking and think about it, decide fast, make ChongDianXing conclusion, and can skillfully handle things properly.Unfortunately attitude, with xinjiang wild horses with strong curiosity, lack of patience, perseverance, and sometimes lazy sometimes but cautious, especially forgetfulness, the biggest drawback is B type.

5, strong vitality

Type B, on the social environment adaptability is inferior, but against the social ability is stronger.Regardless of the social environment change, how complex, he was able to cut himself from society in time, in not under the influence of the society, continue to survive.

6, keen perception

B a person the sense of instinctual acuity, under the necessary temporary sharp judgment, can is very good.Such as whenThe earthquakefire, big accidents, natural disasters, type B people can by instinctual feel keenly, aware of the danger, so that in the unconscious to save his own life.He is also able to ingenious escape from the chaos, in a very quick action to protect themselves.

7, strong subjectivity

Type B people often rely on his own instincts, to judge another person's bad, and the view of things, he was completely on their own judgment as the basis, and this kind of judgment often embedded inside, is not easy to change.

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