Migration palace has a mole, Yin tang were women and frontal analysis

Migration palace has a mole, Yin tang were women and frontal analysis

Have a mole 】 【 migration palace

Migration palace has a mole

Mole was a sign of precipitation of impurities, is also a kind of fate, on medicine is pathological reflex zones.Migration palace has a mole of three would happen;One, brothers from only-child (mostly);Second, the parents had an extramarital affair;Three, peoples life.No hundred palace evidence that migration has mole would die, but ninety percent of people believe in Buddha card on insulation is safety, especially the years of traditional outdoor travel.

"Yin tang was covered"

Yin tang was covered

Yin tang is very important, it affects a person's GuanLu and destiny, young people leave school set foot on society, everything is start from zero, this time must rely on the "noble".From the frontal facies, bright and clean the forehead make people have joy.The hair to cover the forehead, with false eyelashes, Yin tang and covered with hair big eyes and no god, in this way, self-destructive future before the age of 30, worth fight with destiny?How many a 30 years of life?

"Square forehead women"

Square forehead women

Women square forehead, hair is very high, no moles are very bright, and full of judgment, the workplace above the forehead women and there are many males.Because she has the support of people, a strong sense of self, struggle with result, good economic conditions, and rational, so often argued with her husband and unbelieving husband's instructions.The frontal women's husband if/officer the second generation is rich, such a relationship for a long time, a complete hard.

"Readers photo analysis"

Readers photo analysis

Male to Yang, the man's eyes with not, just Yang deficiency, it is easy to choose a beard hairdo, it is the artist's inertia;Women belong to Yin, the female's eyebrow young beautiful long, the heart is pure, the pursuit of a happy marriage, two people together, there is no problem, rich women should do song cultural undertakings, male of the eyebrow, difficult in politics, but running a small business.

"Readers photo analysis"

Readers photo analysis

Middle-aged will see eye, eye is triangular, fifty-two years of really hard in the past, to work day and night for the children, and children's palace, striped, children don't have big achievements.Remedy is dragon conversion, on the first day (birthday) and set them free, or can avoid such serpents in mass annihilation (operation), and shall not eat of the flesh and blood.Your ear lobes with meat, less killing, more to chant buddhist scripture, can leave the gavel to children, happy in his later years.

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