Moles have any influence on life

Think nevus reading, good color should be nei embellish light, colour and lustre is pure of moles, red birthmark and jade white nevus."Black as lacquer, such as spring, red and white like jade, the owners of the prosperous also.""Moles its color such as ink, red such as zhu, good also."Nevus color dark, murky color dark brown, gray, nei and other dry dark without burnish of birthmark, mole is bad."(birthmark) with red, the breath, the bucket, is white, the main worry, with yellow, forgotten loses.""One white spot yellow, Lord fool base.""...Not red not black, not beautiful, also."These are the foundation of nevus phase.

1, before the neck a mole

Both men and women are easy to move, easy to choke, there is no definite view on dealing with men and women is easy to heterosexual holding nose, and it's easy to recruit rotten peach blossom and peach blossom fan, where such people it is important to note that in terms of dealing with feelings.

2, long the center of the neck a mole has rich lives

Neck in the middle of long mole people naturally have a prosperous life, act decisively, have leadership qualities and handle things are there is energy, so if in politics, there must be a conception on at work.

3, the neck of the mole

Neck of birthmark, on the right side of the neck, the mole is to make sure the girls enjoy the wealth of birthmark, may itself didn't have much money, but money can spend on themselves.If it is on the left side, it is a sign of evil!

4, after the neck a mole

After the neck has mole: have a backer.Said backer, hard work, a business can get unexpected help.Generally don't love, said this man that more money but not very show that, on the numerology is called hidden gold under the house.

5, after brain nevus

After nevus that you have a lofty ideal is very good, but one way and opportunity, your first half may be ineffective, but later you are rich, will be a strong side of the Lord.

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