People like to cry weep mole

We experience what is more, as the saying goes: indignation not flick, but not to the sad place.Tear mole generally located in below the eye, heard that weep moles are particularly fond of tears, trapped for feeling, for love.Today we are together to analyze this mole who like to cry?

People like to cry weep mole

People like to cry weep mole

Tears mole: the mole below the eye, called the tears nevus.Temples and cheekbones high connect line, cheekbones and outer corner for the peripheral area is tear mole.XiangShu on cloud: life water, the second wave.The so-called lone star in life.In numerology face reading, everyone who has the birthmark, this life is doomed to suffering for love, feeling trapped, and easily shed tears.So this mole men must love cry, see below analysis together.

The origin of the legend of male tear mole is you in the past, if you are a man, must be the sort of "playboy" type, play, play with women, so at the time of death, god to punish you, take you to play with allA womanBecome your tears to assemble a tear mole this life;But if you are a woman, must be the sort of "a slut" type, attracting countless men, let countless family misfortune, so god punish you, will cause you to unfortunate families bitterness, turns into a teardrop and tear mole as you in this life.

If you're a guy, long female tear mole, so this life must be constantly looking for, looking for what?The man looking for past you infatuation, this boy is very sentimental, always love tears, why is this so?Because god in order to make the boy to happiness in this life, must let him find that to be able to read his tears of girl, only to find such a girl, he will get the real happiness!If you are a girl, long female tear mole, then life must quietly waiting, waiting for what?

Waiting for the man who can stop your tears, the girls are generally standard "crying ghost", super like to cry, why is this so?Because god in order to let the girl happy, must let her find that don't have any skills, using only his heart to stop her tears boys, only run into so of boy, she can get real happy!

The location of the tear mole

Temple and cheekbones high together as a straight line, and then from the outer corner down in a straight line and the line just now roughly vertical, with the focus for the axis, temporal, cheekbones and outer corner for the peripheral area is tear mole.Under the eyes of the mole is called tears mole, according to the field of numerology, people with tears mole to lone star, lonely life.

Beneath the mole of tears in the eyes, but not around the eyes, the basic instructions in your life, there will be more bitter things happen or suffering.

Tear mole below the lower LIDS, belongs to the sentimental type, is a more careful person, but it is also easy to hurt.

Tear mole under the canthus, belongs to the real tears nevus.Said life would be hurt by love, although will be somebody, beyond the ordinary, but life is too hard, too strong, lives all who love her or be her love, they will die for her or leave.

According to numerology, around the corner of my eye weep birthmark, but not all around the mole mole, tears is according to each person tears, tears can't meet the mole, if met, that can be called the tears nei.Touch is not tear mole.

In not more than two centimeters below the corner of my eye, if there is a shallow dark brown birthmark, it is the tears nevus.Accurate speak is: temporal and cheekbones high connect line, and then from the outer corner down in a straight line and the line just now roughly vertical, with the focus for the axis, temporal, cheekbones and outer corner for the peripheral area is tear mole.Tears mole: the mole below the eye, called the tears nevus.Numerology XiangShu on cloud: life water, the second wave.The so-called lone star in life.

In numerology face reading, everyone who has the birthmark, this life is doomed to suffering for love, feeling trapped, and easily shed tears.There is also a romantic: tear mole is the appearance of tears after condensation.Because of past lives, when he died love embrace him cry, tears dripping on the face to form, to be reunited after be in, once people weep nevus, met destined to that person, they will forever, until the passing of body and mind to each other.And he will repay former life for each other's tears!Tear mole, grow on the stone engraving, wipe out the trace of reincarnation.

Legend, youlei nevus woman crying, not only because she has a past outstanding karma, she fell in love with a person with a tired after the heartache, but to death also refused to put off this relationship, so they like to leave a mole at the eye to remind yourself, that I will continue to look for, to complete her this outstanding karma.Wet sing with pain, crying, this life the afterlife, perhaps only by devoted women give birth to such feelings!

Tear mole has relationship with people's fortunes, like numerology think this mole is likely to lead to emotional disputes or hard luck, such people don't deserve happiness.

Tear mole where exactly

Temple and cheekbones high together as a straight line, and then from the outer corner down in a straight line and the line just now roughly vertical, with the focus for the axis, temporal, cheekbones and outer corner for the peripheral area is tear mole.

Tears mole: the mole below the eye, called the tears nevus.XiangShu on cloud: life water, the second wave.Recommended reading: tears nevusfaces

Tear mole position

Generally refers to two eye level in front, with black eyes expressionless as the point for two parallel line, the range between them, in zygomatic upper part, lower eyelid one inch (about 3 cm) within the scope of the mole.Recommended reading: the location of the tear mole

There is another way, when people stand, tears came through the place of mole on the face, all call tear mole.

Tear mole location diagram

Tear mole generally refers to grow on cheekbones as the position of the horizontal line up and down, but it must be under the eyes, the inside of the bridge of the nose, also called tears mole.The old man often say: tear mole hard luck, crying;Called magpie on eyebrow eyebrows, mouth call for mole, which is a blessing life a good life.Actually, these are the old mole is the scientific name, northerners generally called the mole, some people think that is not the same as the mole and mole, actually is the same, both are melanocytes benign tumor, so its growth have greatly small, flat and protruding, location is not fixed, of course, about the fate of the people is nonsense, general nevus is less likely, and if found suddenly in a short time on the mole suddenly increased, that need timely medical treatment.

Tear mole,

In numerology face reading, everyone who has the birthmark, this life is doomed to suffering for love, feeling trapped, and easily shed tears.There is also a romantic: tear mole is the appearance of tears after condensation.Because of past lives, when he died love embrace him cry, tears dripping on the face to form, to be reunited after be in, once people weep nevus, met destined to that person, they will forever, until the passing of body and mind to each other.And he will repay former life for each other's tears!Tear mole, grow on the stone engraving, wipe out the trace of reincarnation.Legend, youlei nevus woman crying, not only because she has a past outstanding karma, she fell in love with a person with a tired after the heartache, but to death also refused to put off this relationship, so they like to leave a mole at the eye to remind yourself, that I will continue to look for, to complete her this outstanding karma.Wet sing with pain, crying, this life the afterlife, perhaps only by devoted women give birth to such feelings!

Legend, below the eye if there is a light brown birthmark, it is the tears nevus.

And your eyes are destined to this life than tears, sometimes torrential tears, sometimes imageless dew.

This tear mole, growth for the love of your life, it will sprout, grow, and finally dried up.

Cry is your love, this life the afterlife love is in pain.

As the afterlife can not continue this love, then tears spiders will will the company, together with you waiting for, until one day he will find that your pain. This is mole, once met destined to that person, they will be a lifetime don't separate, until the passing of body and mind to each other.And he will repay former life for each other's tears!

Tear mole, not crying right now a centimeter, points out the effect of cinnabar, so real.Tear mole, grow on the stone engraving, wipe out the trace of reincarnation.

There is a saying, people weep nevus destined to be happy, because accompanied by TA meet iii must be happy.

Legend has it that the bridge of the nose has a tear mole, because life and death, before love embrace him cry, tears falling upon forming a mark on his face.To meet after stroke.Once this mole, met destined to that person, they will forever, until the passing of body and mind to each other.Tears hemorrhoid, growth for the love of your life, it will sprout, grow, and finally dried up.As the afterlife cannot continue this love, then tears hemorrhoid will will the company, together with you to wait, until one day he will find that your pain.Tear mole, not crying right now a centimeter, points out the effect of cinnabar, so real.Tear mole, grow on the stone engraving, wipe out the trace of reincarnation.Others said, that call acacia tears.

That was a true love of life and death before the tears dripping on the face, the afterlife can be found with this love.The source of original tears nevus is such a heavy, beautiful, dead to the rebirth and bear the mark of past lives., some say, cry weep nevus woman not only love, but also because she has a past outstanding karma, she fell in love with a person with a tired through the heartache, but to death also refused to put off this relationship, so they like to leave a mole at the eye to remind yourself, that I will continue to look for, to complete her this outstanding karma.Wet sing with pain, crying, this life the afterlife, perhaps only by devoted women give birth to such feelings.

This is mole like cry

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