Diagram of palm wing grain

Our fortunes of palmprint can show, to predict the fate, by looking at the big and small palmprint, can know the fate of the doomed.Palm wing grain of finances is very good, Treasury, have and his life, so what is a butterfly tattoo?Wing grain of fate?Take a look at belowThe duke of zhou interprets's official websiteTo introduce the palm wing grain illustration!

Diagram of palm wing grain

Diagram of palm wing grain

What is the wing grain?

Wing lines, there are three main line with some other auxiliary line, on wide below narrow, such as trapezoid, form such as ingots, so image by people called wing grain.

Have a wing grain to the fate of the palm

Hands wing grain if it can be combined into a trapezoidal shape, and closed tightly, this belongs to the coffers of big, the coffers represent money savings more thick, easy to have a lot of assets, such as house, car, etc., these people belong to one of palms don't lack of money.

In the hand palm wing grain, gold ingot rolling!Lines formed in the hands of a wing shape people have rich life, the greater the wing shape, the property is, the more some big silver piece in the hand, some is small wing, but people with wing lines usually are rich, the meaning of life and wealth.

Form a « or if in the hands of a trapezoid, trapezoid close to on the wing shape of the symbol of wealth, in particular, if a closed and more closely, four corners don't leak, belong to the coffers, represents the money has a strong ability, high income, it is easy to deposit the money.Women not only of his good fortune, but also will bring good luck for the husband, easy to become a rich lady.

Born with a silver spoon in her mouth of palms

1, the thumb is larger and the other four refers to fold without cracks easily with a silver spoon in her mouth.

Thumb larger high self-esteem, a generous, have a higher aim in life, to the great achievement, if the other four fingers in a block, no cracks, represents the life does not leak, is good at financial management, economic rich, life become rich.

2, palm ruddy color and shape of founder easily with a silver spoon in her mouth.

Open palm look more ruddy palm, red represents luck, these people often don't need to pay too, will get a lot, at the same time, the palm shape is founder, relatively strong, represents the luck money on flowing, not ups and downs, so they are rich in life, not easy to have a big setback.

3, in the hands of line formation of wing shape people easily with a silver spoon in her mouth.

Hands have a lot of line, generally speaking, there are three wire line and other auxiliary line, if these lines form the ancient gold ingot shape, namely as wide narrow ladder below, above the wing shape, the greater the property will be, the more appear some people hand there is a small wing wing shape, such a person will also is very rich, in all these wing shape line represents the life with a silver spoon in her mouth.

4 people, palm thicker tend to riches and honour.

Palm look more thick, on the official transport and relatively better fortunes, politics is easy to become management, business is easy to become the boss in her career more rights, life became rich, belongs to the people born with a silver spoon in her mouth.

5, money grain more man in the palm to riches and honour.

More than money in the palm of your hand lines represents the money more, life is rich, income is higher, is often a multi-channel income, money lines under the ring finger and little finger position, if this part there are a lot of thin slashes, represents the money, the more line represents the good fortune, also represents the life to compare with a silver spoon in her mouth.

Six people, palm concave tend to riches and honour.

His hands, palms flat, if the palm is concave, represents the wealth, represents the savings in the economy, such people are usually born rich, especially on fixed assets, vulnerable to the grace of the elders.

7, palm mansion

A person of extraordinary powers curtilage below the lines in the ring finger, above the day lines, also called golden house.With the lines, will send hundreds of millions of wealth, multiplexed into wealth, cross-industry operation and hand operation group co., LTD., etc.

8, palm star grain

Mercury qiu appears at the bottom of the little finger, one is the fortune of representative do you have an accident, palm windfall available;Second, on behalf of your child's finances will be good, can enjoy their children.

9, palm tic-tac-toe

Qiu Jupiter appears at the bottom of the index finger like tic-tac-toe, palm cross lines, etc, that life has great influence on business, and profit will be huge wealth.

10, hand Aida word lines

In business line, palm lifeline of near field lines and hand mouth words lines, such as field word lines that Lord is good in such as real estate, palm, palm native land, palm mining and other industries, and mouth word lines are suitable for training, palms consulting, palm lawyer etc and get rich.

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